Traditional Dundee Cake Recipe With Fruit Ingredients
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Traditionally made Dundee fruit cake recipe ideal for Christmas time or to serve as a treat with list of ingredients and cooking directions

The 44 Scotland Street Cookbook describes it as being invented due to a surplus of orange peel in Dundee, home of Keiller’s marmalade.

This traditional Dundee cake recipe will give you about a dozen generous portions of this delicious Scottish treat.

Dundee Cake Recipe


300g Plain Flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon mixed spice
1/2 teaspoon salt
100g candied peel
100g cherries
480g currants
200g sultanas
200g raisins
100g blanched almonds
4 eggs
4 tablespoons milk or sherry or brandy
1 lemon grated rind
200g margarine
1 tablespoon black treacle
200g demerara sugar

Dundee Cake

Fruit Cake Recipe

1. Sieve together all the dry ingredients for this fruit cake recipe.

2. Mix the peel, fruit, cherries, chopped almonds and lemon rind.

3. Whisk the eggs and milk/sherry/brandy together.

4. Cream the margarine, sugar and black treacle until soft.

5. Add flour and egg mixtures alternately to the marg. Stir in fruit mixture.

6. Put into an 8-9 inch tin, lined with double thickness of greased greaseproof paper round the sides and brown paper and greased greaseproof paper at the bottom.

7. Tie a double band of brown paper round the outside of the tin, standing well above the top of it.

8. Add almonds on top.

9. Bake for about 2.5 hours at 300-350f 170c for first 1.5 hours, then reduce to 275-300f 150c for the remainder of the time.

Its origins are thought to date back to a time when it was popular during the 19th century and marmalade producers Keiller's of Dundee sold a version, but with almonds on top. This gave the fruit cake ingredients a new distinctive look and flavour and was named Dundee Cake.

The definitive recipe was discussed by Scottish leading bakers in August 2012 during their attempt to gain European protected status. This was led by Scots baker Martin Goodfellow. Together they agreed approved ingredients and the quantity.
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